hello world

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Words, words, words

So i have titled my entry words words words because i figured shakespeare fits right into the time frame we are studying in this class. and because, words are what made shakespeare famous. my sister is brand new on campus and she wrote a wonderful note on facebook that i loved. so i thought that it would be fun to use her words that she used to express herself and let her see them expressed in a different way. thanks "Dare Me" for the post on your blog. and thanks Averill for your note. who knows, you could be the next shakespeare. love you.
Wordle: Freshman year
Wordle: Freshman year

1 comment:

  1. By the way, Do you know where Shakespeare wrote "Words, words, words."?

    And the answer isn't no Chinese block-printed paper... Hamlet, said it... (I put the answer so you don't feel like you actually have to answer...)
