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Friday, October 1, 2010

Open Forum at the World Bank. Rousseau would be proud?

The world bank opened up its doors. Will the world enter?

Here is a clip from the "private sector development blog" advertising the upcoming open forum at the world bank. we talked in class earlier about openness in government and this is an excellent example of such an idea. and it includes so many ideas of the changing digital world that we have been discussing so much in class. The world bank is trying to solve some world economic problems and they are going to use the general public to help solve these problems. remember with more eyes to see the bug it will be easier to find.
Remember adam smith's philosophy on self-interested individuals working for the good of the society as a whole. well this takes that idea to an even bigger level: the world. each citizen of each country wants to better his economic situation and the beauty of economics is that can happen without being at the expense os another country's economic growth. and with the transparency of the world bank opening up, more self-interested individuals can be a part of the global market and decisions made there.
Furthermore, connecting this to historical period, rousseau made an interesting observation when showing the evolution of the civilized man. he said something like when man got more leisure time he became less ferocious, and therefore less able to defend himself individually. however, with that he became much more powerful in groups, and thus the development of civil society. I think global economy is a macro-scale version of that. none of us individually can fight a global economic slow down, however together as a civil society, seeking to defend our property, we can.

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