hello world

Monday, June 6, 2011

Late posts: they hurt

Disclaimer: @Shayne Clarke--the time I had planned to post these last night (11pm) was taken up by the prince of egypt with my ward. I hope you understand. 
There are some things that compared to the action have a disproportional bad feeling at the result. Let me explain. Let’s say that one Friday night you had a craving for some ice cream at Macey’s. So you get on your scooter and drive the two minutes to Macey’s. At this point you can almost tasted that vanilla/chocolate swirl on your tongue. You get up to the check out counter and confidently say: “one large swirl please.” To which the clerk responds: “sorry, we are closed for the night.” Now here is the point. How do you feel? Crushed. It is a one dollar cone of ice cream and there are about a thousand ways you could get ice cream that evening, but you are still bummed. The action (no ice cream) is unequal to the reaction (feeling like you are watching the movie 2012 in real life).
So it is with not posting your blog by 11:57 on the night it is due. I feel as though I am going to fail the class for sure. That by posting on my blog a few hours late I might as well withdraw from the class, put a white cap on my head, and put my nose in the corner because I truly am a dunce. But, just as with the ice cream, I am sure that everything will be fine. Right Shayne?

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